
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Before I get dressed, let me stand next to you and show you how to do something on your computer.

Yeah, that's what happened to this guy in the locker room today! He did it to himself, really. What a bunch of freaks! So this dude is in the locker room after a game of Raquetball with his teacher, right? The teacher is in the shower, and when he returns, the kid has his laptop out. He's like, "Hey, how do I do this thing with this program?" And the teacher, in his tight little purple underwears, bends down beside him and starts walking him through it! In his underwears! No shirt, no socks, no nothing. The kid's sitting on the bench, and the old dude in his underwears is standing next to him bending over the keyboard. Jesus Lordy Christmas Pie, I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I mean, come on! Put on your pants, at least!

Its like this one time my friend Cortez was pooping in a bathroom built for one-at-a-time-please and forgot to lock the door. Big mistake, my friends. This fucking white buisiness-type guy opens the door, sees Tez in there, and just saddles on up to the urinal next to the crapper. Now there's no divider, wall, or stall, or anything in there. Its just a urinal and a commode right next to each other on the same wall. Or in this case, a guy sitting down on a toilet next to a guy standing up with his shlong out. Poor Cortez, man! He couldn't just get up and leave, right? He had to just stare straight ahead until the dude zipped up and left (he did not wash his hands).

Thing is, Tez just got screwed. Sure, he fucked up by not locking the door, but its reasonable to assume that if a guy opens a door and sees you on the pot, he'll go, "Oh, sorry," while hastily getting the fuck out of the bathroom. But these guys in the locker room just bewilder me. Am I super sexually repressed and the thought of an older man tutoring me in his underpants is not actually strange, or am I correct in thinking that people should talk to each other with the respect that being clothed brings? Weigh way in on this one, followers. Taytyme needs your help.


At 6:48 PM, Blogger taytyme said...

We can always dream, M.I.M. We can always dream.

At 11:37 AM, Blogger taytyme said...

Werd to that brother!

(I knew it.)


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