
Sunday, February 11, 2007


Dambit, doods! How many tymes does a fella have to tell the world that he is the real-deal daddy of Anna Nicole Smith’s (god rest those titties) little love-baby? I’m about had it with these posers trying to act like their swimmers hit that bitch in the babypods any better than mine did. She told me herself that she was pretty sure the kid was mine and I was all, “Nooooo, thanks. You know I only impregnate girls who dig abortion, so this shit ain’t about me.” I knew I shoulda done her Cheatham county style, but my pill buzz led me off course and right into her danger tunnel.

Anyway, I faxed her mom to keep her hands off and I’m heading down to the Bahamas this weekend to claim what’s rightly mine. Any of y’all want to buy a baby?


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Delaney Mae said...

Hell is hot. You know that, right? Burning, flames, scorching, the whole bit.

At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pardon my ignorance...but what exactly constitutes doin' it "Cheatham county" style?

At 4:43 PM, Blogger larry j slimfast said...

I think it means that if Tay actually knew her in the "biblical sense" then she wasn't from Gomorrah...

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh larry j...I can always count on you to give me the low-down on the durty.

At 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better hurry! There are already 5 other baby-daddies in the running, including her dead husband, the crypt keeper. He might have pulled it off spermcycle style.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger taytyme said...

I ain't fretful. The brat looks just like me.


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